Thursday, May 12, 2011

Priests Should Marry?

I always seem to have a sore spot for this, because maybe I am a baby Catholic and so I am ever protective of the Church and Christ’s teachings, but I really think even when I am old and grey and sitting on a porch rocking I will still have that regard.
This issue (see title) came up during my break from work and when a person from work said that (well more like said, “I think priests and religious should marry.”), I instantly said, “Absolutely not.” I never like to be rude or mean to anyone and I refuse to give the name of the person who said this, but I know many might wonder why I would say that.

Well, I for one have watched the priests from my parish and all they do and I can just see how it would be so difficult to be a devoted husband and run a parish of over 300 families plus. Society now a days think because so many of them are working families that it would make sense, but remember that a priest have so many things to do for the Church that sometimes I can tell you that many of the priests I know have almost no time for just spending time doing what they would like to do (examples like reading, hiking, going out with friends, and etc.).

I think in a sensible way and common sense priests to not marry would be a good thing for the sake of a spouse and their feelings for many would feel left out and unloved because they are not even spending any time with their husbands.

Common sense out of the way, there is something that Jesus even said that is truly the focal point of my argument, correct me if I am wrong, but Jesus told his disciples if they truly wish to follow him they “must give up everything and take up the cross”. That I think was in the Gospel of Matthew. Think about it Priests and Religious Sisters give up everything to follow Jesus and His Church.

The Priests are representatives of Jesus and His Church, and am I not correct in saying that Jesus himself was not married and innocent (in a sexual sense), did He not give up His family, did He not give up everything for God’s Children. I think that would be a YES, so if the Priests are not just Disciples, but representatives of Christ, should they not try to imitate Christ in His way, by being a celibate and unmarried man. But as I said it is a Call, not all can do this and that is why Jesus tells Peter and the Apostles if they wish to TRULY follow they must give up everything.

Does that mean that I am not truly a disciple of Christ? No, it is a Call, God knows which are called for the priesthood and religious life, those who are not called should know that their vocation in life, if it is a single life or married find ways of devotion to God, through prayers, teaching their children the Truth of Christ’s Church.

The person who made this claim looked at this issue through a few priests, who probably made the mistakes, because priests are HUMAN, they are not Christ who was sinless. We strive to be like Christ, to be sinless in the eyes of God. But, also with the way society is now so sex-centered they cannot seem to see the natural love of devotion to God alone and His Church. Sex is not EVERYTHING, there is more to life than having an sexual relationship, Priests who make that mistake, are just human beings who have tempted and need prayers, not all follow their temptations, for I know I remember a homily by one of the priests I know that said, “There are days where I see a beautiful woman, and say, she is so beautiful, I wish I could date her, but I think about how much I love the Church and wish to follow Christ.”

They have those feelings, but they don’t have to act upon them, I am getting married, correct should I be tempted to stray from my relationship because I find someone attractive, wonderful, and everything I want (which mind you, my fiancĂ© is all that and more!)? No, I am bound to him, and he is bound to me, and we are bound to God and His Church.

I think I went a little far on my rant, but in the end, I wanted to speak out about those who speak about this issue, for I truly believe they allow society to cloud their minds and never truly see beauty of what the priesthood and religious life brings and shows to us who live in sex-centered society.

I know there are going to be people who will go against me on this issue, but truly this is my honest opinion, from observations when I was coming into the Church and now, but also from my own experiences throughout my childhood and teenage years.

Please pray for them, and for the Holy Spirit to intercede for this prayer for TRUTH.

God Bless,


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Favorite Mystery

During the member talk from the 20s Group we had an “ice-breaker” so that everyone would get to know each other names and help us to know something about one another. The “ice-breaker” for the 20s Group this past Thursday was made by Camille and it was to pick your favorite mystery from the Rosary. For those who are unaware of the Rosary, there are officially fifteen Mysteries, but in 2002 I believe Blessed Pope John Paul II added five more Mysteries, so that makes twenty.
Each of these mysteries are grouped together due their context.

The Glorious Mysteries are: The Resurrection, The Ascension, and The Descent of the Holy Spirit, The Assumption of Our Lady, and The Coronation of Our Lady.

The Joyful Mysteries are: The Annunciation, The Visitation, The Nativity, The Presentation, and the Finding of Jesus in the Temple.

The Sorrowful Mysteries are: The Agony in the Garden, The Scourging, The Crowning of Thorns, The Carrying the Cross, and the Crucifixion.

The Luminous Mysteries (the newly added group of mysteries) are: The Baptism in the Jordan, The Wedding at Cana, The Proclamation of the Kingdom, The Transfiguration, and The Eucharist.

When it came around for me to introduce myself, I did have a difficult time choosing just one mystery because each mystery is important to me and the world in some way. But, when I was thinking upon it, I knew that my favorite mystery was “The Carrying of the Cross”.

I am constantly in deep thought during the Rosary when that mystery comes up, I can only think, “He did this for Me and for all those in the world, so they can be closer to the Father.” But, also I am reminded that I must take upon my cross no matter how difficult and carry it, never to whine that it is too heavy, for Jesus bared the heaviest cross and he did that for mankind, not for himself.

So, for those who read this my blog/journal, what is your favorite mystery? What compels you to think upon it more and more than the rest?

20s Group Member Talk

Holy Hour was cut a little shorter than usual due to the practice for the little ones of the parish to receive First Communion and some were going to through their First Confession. But, I think it really helped with my mediation in front of the Holy Eucharist, during Adoration. This is a piece of what I wrote after finishing my evening prayers.
“Dear Lord,

How nice it is that I have a moment to see You, when I have not been able to for almost four days. Lord, Your little children are practicing and preparing to receive Your Body and Blood, just as You prepared The Apostles during the Last Supper, the First Mass. How beautiful to witness Your little Children as they do this. This is the month of May which means it is a month of showing Your Mother, no way OUR Mother our love to her just as You, Yourself showed love to her.”

The 20s Group meeting consisted with a member talk, by my own Godmother, Camille. Her talked was on the Rosary. This I was really excited about, because Camille was the one who helped me to really understand what the Rosary is, that powerful prayer that was given to us to see the “Gospel through Mary’s eyes”.  There are many out there who find that the Rosary is a way of worshipping Mary, but that is untrue.  “The Rosary is suppose to connect to you,” Camille stated in her talk and explained that she always has envision the Rosary being as if you were sitting at Mary’s feet and she told you the story of Jesus.

Another matter Camille brought up in her talk was intercessions, for many ask why has someone intercede for you to God. I kind of like one thing that I have heard Camille many times say in all the time I have known her, “Jesus will not refuse His Mother anything.” Intercession is really a way of in my opinion (a quite honestly I could be not explaining this correctly) to have more to pray with you on what you are praying for. “Mary, I pray for peace of mind” is an example I will use in this regard and I imagine Our Lady kneeling next to me and praying, “Lord, please give this child peace of mind.” And here is the thing that Camille said in the last part of her talk that helps with what I am trying to put into word, “We give her all of our worries, troubles, and etc. and she gives them all to her Son.”

Thursday, May 5, 2011

So many events this past weekend.

It is so true this past weekend has been very eventful for not only me but also to the world. This past Friday was the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton (which on a side note did even ever think that it was funny that Middleton is a family name from a Jane Austen novel). I had the wedding taped because I knew I would be unable to get up and watch the event live.

Well, I got up around 6am-6:30am and went downstairs to watch what was taped (kind of like catch up really), well my uncle, who has been in depression (literally) for the past few weeks decided since it was being tape while he taped two other things he would erase it. I was sort of upset, but I got to see the dress and the kiss, so I am at least happy about that, plus BBCA and Fox News had highlights on every almost four hours the next day.

The dress was beautiful and very traditional, which I must say I LIKED it a lot. It was fit for her, truly and gave back that touch of simplicity and traditional in my opinion. And as I remember hearing from a journalist who was sitting next to the Today Show hosts, that this shows that the monarchy, especially Prince William and Princess Kate (Duke and Duchess of Cambridge) are wanting, to go back to the traditional roots, but keep with mainstream as well.

The Kiss, which many would say was too short, I find it was just the right kind of kiss, plus William reminds I think many of us that he is "Shy" Di's son. I wish to say that I would not want a make out kiss for the whole public to see, especially if I was royalty. So, no matter what anyone says, I LIKED those kisses (for they kissed twice).

I pray for a happy marriage for Kate and William, and now it is Prince Harry that I wonder about because that young man has become even cuter than his brother, who reminded us so much of Diana (but truly Harry does even more so now).

Sunday was Divine Mercy Sunday. I am new to the Church so for me to explain what Divine Mercy is truly, I would guess I would not be whole-heartily correct as I would wish. But, in my opinion Divine Mercy Sunday is a day that we reflect the Mercy that God has given to everyone, that He will never strike us with lighting for being wrong, but the Mercy to keep His arms ever open to us, but it is for us to reach out to Him.

The Gospel reading was as I said in a past entry, my favorite story, of Doubting Thomas. I would like to rewrite the Gospel reading for all to read.

"Thomas, called Didymus, one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples said to him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."

Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you." Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe." Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of (his) disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may (come to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name." (John 20:24-31)

As I learned from the Homily of Fr. Gregory, OP (I keep going to a Mass when he is celebrating, it is quite nice really) and said this Gospel gives us the "Beatitude of Faith" as Pope Benedict XVI as considered, for "Have you come to believe because you have seen m? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed". Fr. Gregory also included in his homily Divine Mercy by saying, "It is by His Grace we are strengthen in our Faith by His Love and His Mercy". At the end of his homily he said my favorite quote as of yet from his young Dominican priest, "Numbered as one of those blessed to believe".

Divine Mercy Sunday was also a SPECIAL day in another regard it was the Beatification of Pope John Paul II. This all happened around 4am and because of the event of what happened with the wedding I felt that I could just get up and watch it at 4am, but I overslept go figured and so I was unable to see it, but I must say how great it is to say BLESSED John Paul II (or the Great as JR, Camille, and I have call this great servant of God).

To celebrate this, the 20s Group I am part of we went to Buca's (we did not know any Polish places around Columbus, so we did the next best thing, they have a POPE room :P). It was great, except it was so difficult for me a little bit because I never grew up with Pope John Paul II, for I came into the Church just two years ago and so I am in my own right a Benedict XVI generation and so when it came time for me to talk about my favorite memory of JPII, I explained that because I did not grow up with him, I did not have a favorite memory, but I have a favorite picture of the Blessed that I have always kept in my mind, it was when he was in Canada and he visited a Native American Reservation and the picture is of him coming out of a tepee wearing vestments made of doe-skin and his arms are outstretch and it was that picture that made me say "I love this man, how he is able to embrace a people and so how the Church is universal". I wish one day to own that picture and frame it and put it in my room one day.

Monday (Sunday night for United States) was a day that has bought my Faith and my American Pride to the test. I was told Sunday night that I was working that Osama Bin Laden was killed, I rejoiced for this was the man who plotted a day that was not forgotten and his reign killed many innocent lives all over the world, not just on 9-11. But, many have said that a Christian should not feel rejoice for a man who was killed, but I guess I have to explain something to myself and others about my opinion on this.

Bin Laden, was an EVIL man, he was not fighting for his faith or country, he was killing for power and fear, remind you of a few people, like Mussolini and Hitler. We have to think that Mercy was given to this sinful man even at the time of his death, and I think it was, but I truly believe that just like Hitler never believed he had done wrong and I believed smacked the hand of Mercy, Hitler killed himself, Bin Laden was killed during the mission, he knew he would be killed.

Do I like to know a man was killed, no, but I cannot imagine him living long once capture either. It is hard to explain this, but know this I am joyful that an evil man is gone and those were killed by the plots of Bin Laden are at rest truly and their families can rest at ease that that man will not be hurting innocent life anymore.

That was the events of this week. God Bless America, and the World for a man is gone and a man is Blessed.

God Bless,