But it was this past Tuesday walking home in the rain that I contemplated something I never contemplated before. How my pro-life stance can be used in an analogy based on two things, earthworms and road-kill.
As I mention I walk with caution when it rains because the earthworms are on the sidewalks, I believe them to precious to the Eco-system. I have seen many try to walk around them when they(earthworms) are out and about, trying to not squished the earthworms for then the evidence of it would be left on their shoes. It is a guilt that you step on them, I can tell you I do not see many who just walk and purposely step on every worm without a care.
Yet, as a walker I also see road-kill, animals just crossing the street and a car just hits them or runs them over. What does a driver do when they do this? Nothing, they keep going, no thought about, afterwards they may feel bad, but it was the animals fault for crossing the street, no theirs.
What does that have to do with anything? Think of it this way, earthworms and the animals are metaphors of the unborn babies. Those who walk are the ones who find life is precious and considers never to allow abortions, yes there will be some who will have an abortion, but the regret that is there afterwards is like the evidence on someone's shoe for stepping on an earthworm.
Those who drive are the ones who believe themselves to be in control of everything around them, and if something gets in the way, oh well run it over, it will only hurt for a moment. A woman gets an abortion for it is said to them the child is in the way of THEIR LIFE. The animal who was run over, was it truly at fault? All it did was want to cross the street to where it needed to go. An unborn child is like that did it deserve to be aborted when it was crossing the threshold of life?
It might never make any sense to anyone who reads this entry what I am trying to say, this thought came to me as I was walking home in the rain and was avoiding stepping on earthworms, but then saw a dead raccoon on the side of the road. I have watched people just buzz past without a single glance and it dawn on me, how many people just buzz past an aborted child, as if they did not care, but for who see the dead child it pains them to see this and causes them to wonder, what can I do to help stop the killing?
God Bless,
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