Friday, January 6, 2012

What It Means...

While I was in the waiting room yesterday my mom and I decided to start looking up things about her side of the family tree, especially since my little sister is doing a 4-H project, my mom wants to help my little sister out with getting it started and further research on each person afterwards that Kiya will do on her own.

Really for me the family tree means a lot for me. It is something precious for me because I understand where I come from, why some family members act the way they do is from where their family is from or really their family history. Of course you will have those in the world, and that doesn't exclude my own family members who will constantly tell you it doesn't matter they are dead. My uncle Bill was like that yesterday and as I mention my patience was waning thin when he said that.

They are dead, but they are not at all, they are very much alive and it is not just because of my faith (for I believe that yes your body is gone, but the soul is ever alive and is either going through purification in Purgatory or in Heaven), but of one factor, that I live so they in turn live. Their hardships are not forgotten because I in turn am a result of all they went through to live how every many years ago.

Think about it for a second, if you are a Daughter of the Revolution is not true that means your family member risked his life so you could live in the New World as their own country, the United States of America? Yes, so you are the result of their trials. They live really and truly because of you.

Somehow, yes that song, "He Lives in You" from Lion King II comes into mind, but in a sense it is true. I found out that I am a Daughter of the Revolution not only on my Father's side, but also on my Mother's side. I found out that if I look deep enough I see where my family married into the Cherokee Nation. I am still looking and finding new things about my family, but in the end it is really learning NEW things about ME.

God Bless,
Ms. Nikita, OP

1 comment:

Laura said...

I really like this: "I am still looking and finding new things about my family, but in the end it is really learning NEW things about ME." That's a great way of putting it.