It was this issue that was directed to me in a conversation. It was not a yelling matter, but it did get heated. I, at the time could not defend the Church without having my Catechism in hand (still cannot at times), but there is one thing that always helps, Catholicism makes sense best because it is logical.
I explained, Jesus was without sin, correct? Yes, they said, well I mentioned, if He not only God, but is also Man His humanity must be without sin, right? They acknowledge that and I added, so His Humanity came from His MOTHER. Just like DNA, He would have the DNA of His Mother, so if she was not conceived without sin, Jesus would have sin, am I not correct? They claimed that since He is God it would not matter if Mary was with or without sin, Jesus was able to overcome that because He is Divine.
When I listened to them I literally just shook my head, I could not understand and yet I could not defend what I felt my heart say was wrong. I knew then that the Holy Spirit was burning inside me. I looked at them and said to the effect, it would make no sense to be a Son of Mary if He only needed to be Divine. Why be born of Mary, why also be Man? It seemed they could only say, because God did it that way. That ticked me off a lot.
That conversation also brought up the idea of why we "worship" Mary (I call it honor, but yeah) when it does not matter that she was the Mother of God. Alright, hold up, this young Virgin, who was given the free will to say no, but instead said YES to being Mother of God does not matter! They said she could of been any woman, it doesn't matter who His Mother was. Let me think about this, Mary was just an object and nothing more, is that what you are saying? They did not acknowledge the bluntness of my question, but in their answer that is what they meant. Jesus, would not of had told His beloved disciple this is YOUR MOTHER if she was just some random woman.
Enough of my rant of that conversation, the main point of the previous text was to show that we, as Catholics must understand and defend the Teachings of the Church, but also defend not only our mother, but the Triune God. I was reading the Meditation of the Day (which was by Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe, OP) from the Magnificat and what stood out, "The mystery of the Immaculate Conception allows us to understand how Mary is surrounded by the Father with great tenderness and love than the love surrounding Eve before her sin. Through this mercy, Mary is able to enter into a unique intimacy with the Father".
Today is the day that we honor God's gift to Mary to be born without sin. Mary is the gift to us all to be OUR Mother, let us remember her Fiat!
God Bless,
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