Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Teresa Tomeo's "Extreme Makeover"

I just finished reading a wonderful book titled, "Extreme Makeover" by Teresa Tomeo. It is all thanks to my friend, Emily (it is my Christmas present from her) that I got to read the book.

I highly recommend this to all women, especially Catholic women. I would recommend also men to read this book. For it is not just about how women are being conformed to the culture but how men, too are being conformed by the actions of both.

I did find the majority of the book a great source of information, I felt myself devoted towards chapters seven and eight though. These two chapters really reflected upon a great examination of myself. It was a hard swallow, but it was the Holy Spirit I attribute for me to acknowledge that I need to take as Teresa calls a spa treatment for myself.

The one thing that literally was pulled out instantly was: "I am a daughter of the King". I remember Camille just two days ago reminding me this over and over again. Why would she remind me this, because I have low self-esteem and I was very depressed to the point where I was beating myself so much it was scary. I have been trying my best to not allow what I grew up with overcome what I know to be true, that I am daughter of the King and that I loved by Him too.

I know this is a short entry, but before I leave this I want to copy and past Tomeo's Spiritual Beauty Plan (if you have the book please check out page 157):

  • See yourself first and foremost as a daughter of the King.
  • Recieve the Sacrament of Reconciliation regulary (favorite quote from that section was: "God loves us right where we are at, but He also loves us too much to leave us there.")
  • Make a concerted effort to silence the noise in your life
  • Remember that the Blessed Mother is watching you.
  • Brush up on your Catholicism.
  • Remember that ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ (something St. Jerome said)
  • When it comes to the news media, consider the source
I hope that I can use this Spiritual Beauty Plan, and I will post how I am doing. I like I mentioned earlier I was not wanting to make this short, but got to get some of my wonderful laundry done.

God Bless,

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