Friday, November 18, 2011

Family Ties

This topic is something I have been wanting to write about in my blog for awhile, and if I have written about it is only in rants or mentions. Family has always been a center of my life, I would battle within myself to do things for the family. Mind you I have no regrets of what I have given up for my family, yes some things hurts than others, but I am learning to forgive and go on.

But, this past year with my great-uncle I have learned something about one side of my family. Family ties mean nothing to them, unless it truly involves them or if the person may die. It hurts to know that all I have done for my family well that one side it comes down to that. They do not ask about how their ninety year old matriarch doing, or how their fifty-six year family member is holding up with all that he has went through. Watching them come to the waiting room during a surgery, but never calling asking how they are doing, or even surprise visits or heck if you work me acknowledge me and then say, "hey how is Darrell?". Jeez you know how to text, even that will do, the neighbors do that more than this side of family will do.

Maybe I am complaining way too much about it, but it would seem through my encounters with this side of the family, I now understand when my Daddy said to me, "I wish you could of had the childhood and family life I had." It is not his side of the family I am complaining about, no it is my mother's but remembering his words and watching his regret, I think about it, I wish my family could understand what they are doing to not only themselves, but towards the three of us who live together.

I feel alone, even if my mom does come around more often than the others, but still it is like another chore for her to come and visit or check up on us three. I have people who know about my great-uncle and Granny, they remind me that I should not do this all on my own and yet, no one else in the family is going to help. Granny tries to defend them by saying they have lives, well I do as well, but I am not going to pass by and watch, that is not in me.

I have told JR over and over, I will not allow our future children do that. You have lives yes, but never forget those who raised you and love you, that in their time of need you will in turn help them. I hope I can raise of family who do not think of themselves and think 'unless people give me something will I give back', that they will willing love and give back.

Jesus have mercy on us, especially those of my family who forgotten that love is not self-centered, but to all.

God Bless,

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