Friday, November 18, 2011

What Could You Use $50 For?

What could you use $50 for?
What in the world is this all about, why would I ask a question like this and not something like "what could you use a millions dollars for"? Yesterday, I had a very interesting conversation on Twitter with a person whom I follow, Thomas Peters (@AmericanPapist/AmericanPapist Blog Channel). It arose from people complaining they have to pay $50 a month for birth control pills and this is coming from people who are following a pro-abortion group @emilyslist.

I had to say something, it was something that urkes me when reading about it. That $50 that you use for your birth control could go to feeding yourself, clothing yourself, heck even paying your bills, your kids' school fees, filling up your car, but no, you are to keep up with your sexual pleasures (sorry I am going to blut) that you will fork out the money. Then you will turn around and complain about it. Complain that you have no money for food, clothing, paying your bills, and cannot afford to put your kids through school.

Let us think about this for a moment. You really want me to sit there and emphaize with you when you decided that you sexual urges are more important than the other things, even better some will go as far as wanting more government help. That is something I do not get. If I do not have enough money to pay for the list I mentioned than I do not think you should really think about your sex life.

Tight budgets means putting something on the back burning for awhile until you have the ability to deal with it. Not having sex is not the end of the world. Let me tell you, before I became Catholic, I had sex, it did not help with stress or make me feel great, I was unsatisfied with it in the end and nothing was taking away the fact I was broke. I never had birth control and I am glad I never did that would have made things worst for me finicially.

My first thoughts when thinking about that $50 it never entered my mind birth control it went straight to "how can I use that to help me eat, be clothed, pay off debt".

So, what could you use $50 for?

God Bless,

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