Thursday, September 15, 2011

Death and my vocation to the Dominican Laity

This morning while I was taking in the little Internet time I could get I read an entry from one of the blogs that helped me reflect something about myself. So please hopefully this entry will not seem weird or anything.

There are a few places I would love to be any day of the week, these places are: Mass, With my fiance, in a cozy place with a book, and a cemetery. Why a cemetery? It might sound weird for you all, but for me it is where I can pray for those who are forgotten and need the prayers to help them through purgatory, to help them pray for their loved ones who have not been able to accept their passing, and to ask them to pray for me.

My Catholic faith has been a big part of this love I have for the dead, for before I became Catholic, I hated death, I felt it was a punishment for me to have taken away those who I loved or others loved. But in actuality, God never wants us punished, no He wishes us to be with Him. In my opinion only, I believe God reminds us to turn to Him because all are His children and so we all will be together with Him.

Another big part is the Dominican Order, and this where a wonderful blog post by Br. Ambrose Mary Little, OP (To Die Like A Dominican), helped with this reflection, for study was not the only reason I felt the call to the Dominican Order. Prayer was a huge thing as well in my decision to join the Laity Order.

And because of this my determination to be an historian has a new meaning now, the dead are the gateways of understanding our past, and so it is my goal and wish that they never be forgotten, for they lived and loved as we do now.

If you ever wish to find me especially this coming month and next month, look for a cemetery, especially really old ones, and you might see a young woman with a rosary in hand rubbing the beads through her fingers, and that would be me.

God Bless,

PS. I know this was an awful post, but it is really early and I just wanted to post this because it would not leave me be, sometimes I consider that the Holy Spirit telling me to share the fruits of my contemplation (Dominican Motto). Either way hopefully some of you will understand and maybe you might give some feedback of what you think of death.


Laura said...

I think it's really sweet that you pray for the dead! I didn't understand that concept until I became Catholic. Keep on doing what you do - you make a difference. :)

J.R. said...

Dear, I like (and agree with) your perspective on praying for the dead! They should not be forgotten. Also please keep writing down your thoughts! I enjoy reading them.