Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Once Upon A Time

As I stated in my last post, I have started watching "Once Upon A Time" on ABC (thanks to Hulu). I have to say that I am very picky with series. I value a good story and good characters. ABC had lost me after "Desperate Housewives" and a few others. But, I think they have redeem me to watching at least just one show.

"Once Upon A Time" has a great amount of character and a story to back it up. What a twist on fairy tales, I think they really give credit to actually fairy tales, not what political correct and close your children's eyes on the graphic gore of the stories. (I remember being read the real tales by the Grimm and etc. which were more gory than Disney) Of course I had to get mad that they took away the good looking man with the accent! I loved his accent and literally said, finally Emma will have some light into what her son has been trying to tell her. But, of course he has to die! (Sorry I am spoiling for others, but come on, how many people have not seen this series that did not want to)

I am actually hoping to watch this series more (which means Hulu is going to be my friend or DVRing is the next best thing, but it just means begging the Great-Uncle to not delete it) and maybe NCIS will not be the only show I really watch on television.

Is not funny that I watch shows from channels that I would only watch oh about what fifteen-twenty years ago? I am off to bed, finally, but wanted to write a post about the new series I will be watching. My friends Emily and Nikki will be please! :)

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